Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing: Successful Touchdown on the Moon’s Surface | Live Update: ISRO Shares Latest Image Just Before Landing

With Chandrayaan-3, India has achieved a historic feat by becoming the first nation to successfully arrive on the lunar south pole. The Indian public and space experts were thanked by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for this amazing achievement. India will never forget this day, according to Prime Minister Modi.

In the last stages of landing, the mission’s true test began. ISRO started the Automated Landing Sequence (ALS) around 20 minutes before landing. It made it possible for the Vikram Lander to seize control, locate a suitable spot, and carry out a gentle landing on the lunar surface using its onboard computer and logic.

The last 15 to 20 minutes of the mission, as the Vikram Lander descended for its gentle landing, were critical for the mission’s success, according to experts. Indians from all around the country and the world are offering up prayers for Chandrayaan-3’s safe landing.

Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing: Successful Touchdown on the Moon's Surface|Live Update: ISRO Shares Latest Image Just Before Landing

ISRO took extra precautions this time around because of the history of India’s previous lunar mission, which experienced failure in the final 20 minutes before landing. This period has been referred to by many as the “20 or 17 minutes of terror” due to the tremendous risk associated with falling onto the surface of the moon. The entire procedure became autonomous during this stage, and Vikram Lander started its engines at the appropriate time and height.

To watch the live coverage of Vikram Lander’s landing on the moon, click on the direct link on YouTube here.

For the most recent Chandrayaan-3 information on its lunar landing, keep checking LiveMint.

24th of August 2023, 10:33:35 IST
What did the Pragyan Rover Do following the landing
During its mobility phase, the Pragyan rover will conduct an in-situ chemical study of the lunar surface.

Pragyan will examine the lunar surface with its payload, the APXS-Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer, to better comprehend its surface and determine its mineral composition.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission’s success is significant not only for India but also for international space research. Mr. Modi
The success of India’s Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is not just a national milestone but also a major accomplishment for international space science. He also expressed his gratitude to U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris for her felicitations on the momentous achievement.

Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing: Successful Touchdown on the Moon's Surface|Live Update: ISRO Shares Latest Image Just Before Landing

Congratulations to India for the historic Chandrayaan-3 landing in the lunar south polar zone, Harris wrote in a tweet on Wednesday. For all the scientists and engineers involved, this is an outstanding accomplishment. We are honored to collaborate with you on this space exploration project.

Thank you for your sincere wishes, @VP @KamalaHarris, Modi tweeted in reply. The accomplishment of Chandrayaan-3 marks a turning point for international space science as well as for India. We are honored to work alongside you as we advance space exploration.

These accomplishments not only signal India’s ascendance in space exploration but also our growing collaboration and advancement on a global scale.
Chandrayaan-3 Achieves Gentle Touchdown on Moon: Following the monumental soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the southern pole of the Moon, accolades and commendations flooded in for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) from renowned figures in the global scientific community. Among these eminent personalities are NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield, and European Space Agency Director General Josef Aschbacher, who extended their heartfelt congratulations to ISRO for this remarkable feat.

Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing: Successful Touchdown on the Moon's Surface|Live Update: ISRO Shares Latest Image Just Before Landing

Exploring Chandrayaan-3: A Lunar Odyssey

When and Where Will the Landing Take Place?

The eagerly anticipated ISRO Chandrayaan-3 mission is set to make history with a “soft landing” on the Moon’s south pole region. However, the intrigue doesn’t end there – even after the lander’s successful touchdown, its propulsion module will gracefully orbit the Moon, dedicated to studying Earth’s intricate atmosphere.

Distinguishing Vikram, the Chandrayaan-3 Lander, from Chandrayaan-2

Drawing from the valuable insights gained from Chandrayaan-2, ISRO has ingeniously transformed lessons learned into vital upgrades for the Vikram lander and rover in Chandrayaan-3.

Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing: Successful Touchdown on the Moon's Surface|Live Update: ISRO Shares Latest Image Just Before Landing
**TWITTER PIX RELEASED BY @isro** Sriharikota: ISRO’s Launch Vehicle Mark-III (LVM3) M4 rocket carrying ‘Chandrayaan-3’ lifts off from the launch pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre, in Sriharikota, Friday, July 14, 2023. (PTI Photo) (PTI07_14_2023_000330B)
  • Sturdy Legs for Enhanced Velocities: Vikram is now equipped with more robust legs to tackle higher velocities during its descent.
  • Amplified Solar Panels and Antennas: An expanded array of solar panels and antennas ensures improved energy harnessing and communication.
  • Supplementary Fuel and Laser Doppler Velocity Meter: Vikram now carries extra fuel reserves and a sophisticated laser Doppler velocity meter for precise measurements.
  • Enhanced Software and Central Engine Overhaul: ISRO has undertaken a comprehensive software overhaul and upgraded the central engine for optimal performance.

Main Objectives of the Chandrayaan-3 Mission

At the heart of the Chandrayaan-3 mission lies a pivotal objective: achieving a gentle landing on the lunar surface. This endeavor aims to conduct intricate chemical analyses and unveil cutting-edge technologies imperative for forthcoming planetary missions.

Delving into the Chandrayaan-3 Spacecraft Details

ISRO’s formidable three-stage rocket, aptly named the Launch Vehicle Mark-3 (LVM3), will ferry the dynamic moon lander and rover duo of the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft to an Earth parking orbit. This strategic orbit allows meticulous post-launch instrument verification. Subsequently, the spacecraft embarks on a lunar transfer trajectory, marking the commencement of its profound deep-space expedition.

Meet the Chandrayaan-3 Lander and Rover

ISRO intends to carry forward the names of the Chandrayaan-2 lander and rover to its Chandrayaan-3 endeavor. The spacecraft embraces Vikram, the moon lander, whose name signifies “Valor” in Sanskrit. Vikram is equipped with an array of four instruments designed to measure thermal conductivity, detect moonquakes, and gather vital data from the landing site.

Upon touchdown, Pragyan, the rover aptly named “Wisdom” in Sanskrit, will gracefully disembark from Vikram and commence exploration of the immediate vicinity. Pragyan’s adept onboard cameras ensure seamless navigation, steering clear of lunar obstacles. The rover is poised to stay within Vikram’s observational range throughout its scientific pursuits.

Diving into Pragyan’s Scientific Endeavors

Pragyan is armed with two instruments geared for on-site experiments. These instruments are anticipated to provide a wealth of technical insights about the lunar composition in the proximity of the landing site.

Chandrayaan-3 Lander and Rover Specifications

NASA reports indicate that the lander and rover will touch down in the South polar region of the Moon. After landing, the lander will engage in surface material collection for the duration of 14 Earth days, equivalent to one lunar day.

Chandrayaan 3 Mission by the Numbers:

  • Propulsion Module: 2148 Kg
  • Lander Module: 1752 Kg (including 26 Kg Rover)
  • Total Weight: 3900 Kg

Embark on this thrilling journey with Chandrayaan-3, as it promises to unveil secrets hidden within the lunar expanse while showcasing India’s technological prowess on the global stage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What makes Chandrayaan-3’s landing unique?
Chandrayaan-3’s landing marks an unprecedented soft touchdown on the Moon’s south pole, a region less explored in previous missions.

2. How does Vikram’s upgraded central engine impact the mission?
Vikram’s enhanced central engine ensures smoother propulsion and maneuvering, crucial for a successful landing.

3. What role does Pragyan play in the mission?
Pragyan, the rover, embarks on scientific exploration, conducting experiments to provide crucial insights into lunar composition.

4. How long will the lander remain operational after touchdown?
The lander is designed to gather surface material for 14 Earth days, equivalent to one lunar day.

5. Why is Chandrayaan-3’s mission weight significant?
Chandrayaan-3’s comprehensive weight showcases the extensive equipment and technology packed into this lunar exploration endeavor.

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